Published on: 10/07/2024


One of the headlines we read most frequently is that "Vinyl has outsold CDs for the umpteenth year." Big headline that tends to cause a stir to make people think of the defeat of the CD: please, let's try to see clearly!
There are two pieces of data that mainly conflict with this statement:
1) sites independent from the excessive power of the majors and serious market analysis and survey companies
claim that the last two years have seen a steady increase in CD sales. We
ourselves as sellers we can only confirm this data and have done so officially
also the well-known industry site Discogs;
2) it is not said that thousands and thousands of titles are no longer printed on CD but absurdly
only on vinyl (right now, as we are writing, we are ascertaining for example that not
There is currently no title on CD by Riccardo Cocciante in the catalog\production, while
at least some of his major hit albums are released on vinyl!)

The second figure is unfortunately the same for other dozens and dozens of artists, thus making the comparison between vinyl and CD unequal, dependent only on the market policies of the majors. For some time now, in fact, their sales policy has been entirely aimed at eliminating physical formats in favor of digital where their profits are stratospheric (no warehouses full of goods, nothing defective, nothing unsold,...). But while the project is being developed, they are riding the wave of the new vinyl trend by increasing prices.

As you can see, all that glitters is not gold (as they say...), but we who have always been mavericks, devil's advocates, who live the demands of the "buying" public on a daily basis, can affirm it with absolute certainty from the height of our thirty years experience, having experienced the fluctuating trends of this market which is nevertheless wonderful for those who love music beyond everything.

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