Published on: 14/04/2020

Coronavirus: appeal for record stores

The national shop and distributor is the spokesman for an appeal in this delicate moment.
There is talk of bookstores, the automotive industry and other sectors at economic risk during this period of planetary emergency. But what about record stores? Do they go into oblivion?
We were few but still fierce and determined not to let go (like everyone else!).
The appeal is asked in unison to all participants in the music supply chain; independent labels, record companies, artists. Last but not least, the government that should at least equalize VAT to 4% as in books if music can be considered culture, while up to now it has been considered a luxury item with 22% VAT (Beethoven or Miles Davis create less culture than biographies of footballers or books written by comedians?).
This would already be a great help in the recovery.
Not to mention the fact that ALWAYS the record store is the place that promotes music, advises the customer in the purchase and this has often been forgotten in favor of the large online platforms which have instead been facilitated in the prices and exclusivity of certain items (which shops CANNOT and maybe shouldn't have!)
Then an appeal is made to everyone to draw up an appropriate attack plan for a recovery when the time comes for the reopening.
Yes, because many of us unfortunately risk not reopening after the Coronavirus emergency!

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